Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Guide To Bachelor Pad Excellence

You dress like a decorated diplomat, you speak like an affluent genius, and you smell like Prive'..OR you dress like everyday is Saturday, there's a cool confidence in your voice and you still smell like Prive'. (Its great stuff) Somewhere in between classes or shifts or treaty signings you appealed to a fine specimen that likes the style and character you present . After a few social outings she's ready for a quiet evening at your place. Hmm. Not really the designer type, your place may not be half as interesting as you are. Here's 10 tips to help spruce up your spot, without you becoming your mom.

Learn What You Like
If she's there for an hour or a whole night, the only person that lives in your space is you. Learn what you like to look at. If its art, or different styles of furniture, its all what appeals to your senses. She'll like it too.

Clutter Will Kill You

Nobody here is a neat freak, but piles of last weeks undergarments may not be all that kosher for a first time guest. Especially if its in the kitchen. If laundry day isn't scheduled for another couple of days, find an out of the way closet or space that even the nosiest lady couldn't "accidentally" stumble upon. Or smell.

Its All About Presentation

If you stumble around your own place not being able to find things and being extremely awkward, this won't apply to you because it'll be a while before anyone steps foot in your habitation. If you maybe, in a way, sorta think things may end up at your place, prepare in advance. Have it clean.
Know what you're doing. Be comfortable in whatever it is you do. From washing a dish, to fixing the blinds, whatever.

Don't Make Excuses

If you're in a dorm where the building itself has upkeep that isn't too good, or you're apartment is in a seedy neighborhood, and its like 173 years old, this isn't your fault so don't apologize. "Sorry, about the homelessness , and the bad infrastructure" makes you sound like a chump. If you have your situation situated, all the other stuff just gives your place character.

What we suggest:

Dude this is ONE STOP SHOP. These Swedish people are giving this stuff away man. Beds and dressers and lamps and sheets and rattan seatings with leather covers. Illness.


Modern contemporary furniture is it. I mean its kind of expensive which goes back to the lovely swedish folks of IKEA but this MOCO Loco has a pretty cool selection of things to look at and help you get a feel for bachelor pad excellence.


Anonymous said...

Those red chairs...ILL

Amesse Couture said...

i know. Domeau & Pérès x Pharrell chair called perspective..