Sunday, August 31, 2008

What The Hell is He Saying?

Ok. Everyone has heard that new T-Pain "I Can't Believe It" song right? Tell me this. What the hell is Lil Wayne saying? Well after long hard research I think I found an answer to my question. Maybe. Below is Lil Wayne's verse. Maybe.

"Now I can put yo ass out/Oooo keep runnin your mouth/And if your girls come trippen I'm a show em wat these tear drops 4/Shawty I was just playin/Ooo but I could take u to the caymen... islands have uScreamin and hollerin/Gone be makin love on the beach/The people see wat we doin/Aww they pointin and ooooin... ooohh but we gone keep on doin, it like it just me and u ain't no one else around/We went down on the balcony/And I layed down pool playin, how sweet/Shawty like a model out the penthouse how she's/That's y I got her on my penthouse sheets"

I still don't know what he is saying...It actually sounds like jfoirhaigwkcsgkpfecao...with the bridge OwowowoOOwoow.

The Truth About Happyness.

And you all cried.

The Hollywood Version: 

Chris Gardner is a hard-working man with a pain-in-the-ass wife and an adorable little son boasting one of the greatest afros we've ever seen on a child. All Gardner wants to do is make enough of a living to provide for his son.

Through what we assume is black magic, he solves a Rubik's Cube in record time, wowing an employee at Dean Witter and he apparently passes the only test needed to qualify a man to become a stock broker. He toils for months, sleeping in subways and churches with his son at his side, but in the end it all pays off when he claims the one and only opening at Dean Witter, crying tears of joy and getting jiggy wit it in the streets of San Francisco.

In reality ... 
Gardner did get a chance to show his stuff in the Dean Witter training program (though we're sad to report his acceptance had nothing to do with solving a colorful puzzle game). But, as the more honest book version points out, he apparently wasn't quite the father the film made him out to be.

First, he was so focused on getting a job and earning his first million that, well, he actually didn't even know where the hell his son was for the first four months of the program.

Chris, Jr. was apparently living at this point in time with his mother, Jackie. Did we mention that the boy had been conceived when Gardner was still married to another woman?
In addition, instead of being arrested just before his big interview due to parking tickets ... well, it seems that Chris was actually arrested after Jackie accused him of domestic violence.
Don't get us wrong, Chris did indeed get his life turned around after landing the job as a broker. There were just some things in Gardner's past that they couldn't quite bring themselves to have Will Smith do on screen. Like selling drugs (as Gardner admits he did briefly), or doing cocaine with his mistress, with little doses of PCP and a hearty helping of Mary Jane tossed in for good measure.

Adulterous sex? Cocaine? Neglecting your child for months at a time? It says something about the man that he didn't drop the pursuit, despite having pretty much found happyness already.

ridiculously pilfered from cracked

Friday, August 29, 2008

Queen Britt

Meet Studio 43s own Queen Britt. She's amazing.
She loves sandwiches.

Who is Selina Carrera?

I love our fan base. There is nothing like a gold ole supporter. Shouts out to Arielle again for the reference! To all of our supporters out there if you ever wanna see something on the blog hit us up! We here at, you know the website, like to be up on things that nobody else is. So, we bring you Selina Carrera, well we don't. You get the gist. She is a new artist that just got signed to Columbia Records. Im pleased. She has an old school hip-hop vibe, and an eclectic sense of style. Enjoy. Peace.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Feel This.

Kanye recently did a freestyle at The Virgin Mobile Fest 08 in Baltimore, Maryland. Shouts out to Arielle, our freelance camera person! Jk. Notice Kanye with the Freeway beard. Don't worry, everyone will be rocking it soon. Maybe. I hope not. Anywho, Enjoy this. Feel this. Peace.

Gnarls Barkley Radiohead Cover

Gnarls earlier this month did a cover Radiohead's song Reckoner. Cee-Lo in my opinion is one of the illest vocalist alive. Check out the Transformer song he did live at Abbey Road.

Benjamin Bixby

He has already established himself in the Music Industry. The Fashion Industry shouldn't be that hard. Benjamin Bixby (2008). Peace.

Can you say Ralph Lauren?....Now say it 5 times fast! Jk.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Kenny Burns Show

Soooooo Im going to LA *backhand spring into a quadruple axle ensues* and its with this guy here. This is the first of a whole lot of TKBSs coming up. The next one I believe is the MTV Edition, featuring none other....gyone.


Monday, August 25, 2008

Movie Etiquette.

Some people arent familiar with how to behave before/during a cinematic adventure. Please. Grab a pen and pad and take notes on how to conduct onesself, and the consequences one could incur by not following procedure. It involves a linoleum knife.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

For Tob.

yo son. we've been through some FOUL s**t this past week dude.
cassie always made it better.
now ain't no different.

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Couture Group Anthem.


They sampled M.I.A. 
They've all had swagger. Now they're rubbing it in our face.
Kanye did the vocoder. And it was okay.
Wayne did it too. It was still okay.
I GUARANTEE this beat will be molested by everyone. EVERYWHERE.
My swagger is Mick Jagger *claps hands and shakes head with lips flinging saliva*

*The pic has nothing to do with the song..but yo..these dudes all get the gist of the song.

Straight jacked from HER

Kim D

So I was surfing the internet like I normally do, and I came across this video by a new female rapper by the name of Kim D. She did a freestyle to the Kanye West's "Champion" beat and hurt it. She didn't murder it. But hurt it. Its about the 6 Rings Jordan shoe that recently came out. I personally don't like the shoes, but hey you might. Enjoy. Peace.

Pleasure Principle.

I LOVE Janet Jackson! She is definitely my all-time favorite female anything. I recently found out that she will be coming out with a lingerie line. What's better than waking up extremely early, getting ready for work, driving to your predictable 9-5, and pass by Janet modeling her lingerie on a huge billboard on the express way. I don't know? If you know anything better, please comment. The line will be called Pleasure Principle(Which is also one of my favorite songs by Janet, Ms. Jackson if you nasty). Janet traveled around the world to find the best silks, garments, and fabrics for this line. It is scheduled to release this fall. Peace.

....Why isn't Janet modeling it?...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Philly Spots.

Yo yo.. I been on a small hiatus but Im back. WOOORD. Anyways, lets kick it off with some ill Philly spots. Ladies and gentleman are welcome.

BONUS: Here's some local artists doing the damn thing.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Maybe I Was Wrong.

Maybe I was wrong about Team Blackout. Notice I typed "Maybe". Still a ways to go. Enjoy this video of Team Blackout's "freestyle" to Rick Ross's "Boss"(You can see JoJo mouthing the words of the other group members). Peace.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Not just because we're good friends or that we're spear heading the whole 43 movement, none of that. Marky makes a solid mixtape. Even snippets from the album are crack. But here's Week 1 of the monthly radio show WDMV Billboard Top 10 ft. Marky..enjoy.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Lights. Camera. Michael.

If I lived there I would go. Wouldn't you?

Classic. Shwaaate...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

USA's #1 Forward

There's alot of names and credits going into this project so I'll let Juxtapoz tell you all about it. Im seriously considering copping though..

"...Swiss graphic artist and Brooklyn resident Grotesk has partnered with Upper Playground to produce this exclusive Barack Obama print. In the last decade Grotesk has developed a passion for folk art, street photography, hand-painted signs, vintage sport graphics, old school hip-hop music, and urban anthropology.
Grotesk’s Barack Obama poster is part of an ongoing series from Upper Playground of artist collaborations in support of Barack Obama's presidential campaign. Upper Playground has endorsed Obama's campaign by creating posters featuring artwork from The Date Farmers, Munk One, Ron English, Alex Pardee, Morning Breath, Mac, Sam Flores and Mear One, in addition to printing T-shirts with Shepard Fairey's Obama graphics to help support the campaign.
There were 200 prints made that are signed and numbered, but only 30 prints will be available for sale and each poster retails for $200. The limited-edition 18" x 24" print is available exclusively online at"

Put On Freestyle

There's been a lot of posts and riff raff about Ye at Madison Square Garden. But nothing (and I mean nothing) beats an old fashion impromptu freestyle. 20 bucks for whoever can tell me what he's saying. from Nile Ivey on Vimeo.

shouts to Brownstone

Where Amazing Happens

Studio 43.

You Win Some. You Lose Some.

Remember a while back, when there were the parties where everyone had to know the Chicken Noodle Soup dance? Aaah Memories. Now however, there is a "new" dance called the "J5 on Em." Sorry DJ Webstar, but I don't think I will be J5ing on Em. The song features Team Blackout, you know JoJo's rap group. Still drawing a blank. JoJo from Run's House. Respect the work ethic Jo, but not the song. The son of Mr. "Sucker Mc's" has to come harder than that.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I Aint Bout to Die.

There were alot of rumors going around about Lil' Wayne's daughter Regginae being killed in a car accident. They were not true. She is alive and well. Damn gossipers. For the real story head over to I'm not a biter I'm a writer.

"Apparent, yeah my daughter be the twinkle of my eye/You hurt her, you kill me/ and nigga I ain't bout to die"- Lil' Wayne, Carter 3-La La

6th entry down

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Bad Mother....Shut Your Mouth!

R.I.P. Isaac Lee Hayes, Jr.
(August 20, 1942-August 10, 2008)

Someone was conceived to this song. Ya Damn Right.

"You Look Good...LikA Bacon N Egg Sanwich"

The Couture Group is not just a cool group that prides themselves off of Swagger, Confidence, and Effortless Style. Well yes we do. However, we like an occasional laugh every now and then, and one of the FEW people who gave us that occasional laugh recently passed away. Bernie Mac. He will be greatly missed, and we wish his family many blessings, and no one will ever take his place. "Good Lawd Ham Mercy"-Bernie Mac

Here are three of my favorite Bernie Mac moments. I know you will enjoy as much as I did, and still do. Peace.

House Party 3-"F*$k Em! F*$k Em! Against the Wall wit handcuffs and crazy glue!"

1st Time on Def Comedy Jam-"You Look Good...LikA Bacon N Egg Sanwich"

Kings of Comedy- "I want sum Milk and Cuuukies"

Friday, August 8, 2008

Happy Love Day.

Gas'd and LoveCrusader have made a mark in the space time continuum. Love is everything and all things and they've went on a quest to spread that. Clearly we are affected.
Happy Love Day.

Click here for your LOVESUITE gift and one of the sickest pieces of music I've heard in a while from AFTA-1.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Fructis Flow

With Ye taking over the world, Jay's new buzz over Blueprint 3, and just the overall success of the ROC movement, everyone is finding their place. Even Bleek. This video has surfaced of Roc-A-Fella's waterboy's latest endorsement project.

Garnier Fructis.

At exactly 3 minutes into the video, your life will change.

Hate Is The New LOVE.

?uestLove...Do Believe the Hype!

I like them.

Alife Rivington Club release. ?uest Knows Kicks

How many sneakerheads does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Maybe this many.

Say What You Want, But...

Say what you want, but this is probably one of the first fresh trendsetters of his time, and ours. Indirectly though. Mr. Rogers.

Blueprint What?

Blueprint 3.

BLUEPRINT 3 from kwest on Vimeo.

Jocking Jay Z...ilch.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Everybody Nose

This doesnt look like all the behind the scenes clips...hmm..

Perfect. Some More.

Words are uneccessary.


So there's this fashion show. We all love fashion shows. They incorporate the latest trends, and the sexiest models, and world class designers. In Rio de Janeiro took place a soiree of similar schematics except where there should be supermodels, there were prostitues. Where there would be the upper echelon of haute' couture, there were hookers. Daspu is a line created by night walkers out of Brazil. They're latest show displayed their Spring/Fall 2008-2009 collection. Could you IMAGINE what backstage smelled like? Here are coulple shots of pieces from the popular brand. Just be careful when you ask "How much?". You'll get more than you bargained for.
Like Syphilis.

Daspu Fashion Show

That Coke Diet.

It became suprisingly clear that this song has nothing to do with the long line of women having to pee. They dont even have to pee.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I'm Flashy.

Probably one of my top five favorite Air Jordans.
For more wiggling pics like this one, go to

Monday, August 4, 2008

Oh Sheila..

The video shoot (which I just copped the ticket for) will be in DC this weekend. Here is Marky now with the elusive illustrous Sheila..


Nas and Jay-Z. Rock The Bells NY
"..they see me as a premie but Im not, and my nuts big."

Sunday, August 3, 2008


If people thought you were dying, they gave you their full attention.

by then its too late.
photo by Wilson Hsu

A Life Restored.

Any and everybody who reads our blog knows our admiration for Kanye West. Well this time, this post is partly about him, while the majority is focused on the painting. Many people have seen this, but do not know the true meaning behind it. The piece entitled "A Life Restored", is one of my favorite paintings, and I thought I would share it with our bizillion of viewers. It was painted by Ernie Barnes, unveiled in 2005. The entire composition pivots around the gleaming brownish flesh tones of Kanye West receiving his new life’s aura from a descending angel. I spotted the painting when Kanye did an interview on Nightline. He points it out while giving the interviewer a tour of his home. Enjoy. Peace.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Going To DC..

Bee Bee is waiting.
" cant scoop a scooper.."


My boy Decatur Dan (but just call him Dan) was featured in his very own Epidemik Coalition interview. Also congrats on the Web Editor position in ANTENNA mag.

Where are you from?
It isn’t obvious (laughs)? Decatur, born and raised. For those who don’t know there are 2 parts of Decatur, City of Decatur (Downtown Decatur) and just Decatur which is actually pretty large. I was blessed with the best of both worlds. I grew up off of Wesley Chapel and Candler. Moved to City of Decatur in my high-school years, Oakhurst District specifically.

Who do you work for?
I have quite a few jobs. Of course I work at STANDARD which I call home. I do everything there from taking out trash to helping with buys. I also help maintain our store blog which has really taken off, it is a lot of work but I really enjoy it. I’m also a contributing editor for VAPORS Magazine. There are some good articles coming out this August that I hope everyone likes. I’m a contributing Web Editor for ANTENNA Magazine which just entails me updating their site with new product. And then I do a bunch of odd jobs for all my good friends like STREETLOCAL and DONE TO DEATH. I like to help out whenever I can because they help me. But I must say I wouldn’t have any of these titles if Farshad (owner at STANDARD) didn’t give the opportunity over 2 years back. Working there has really set me up for a lot of things and I am forever grateful to him for that.

Who would you love to work with?
Anyone who is down to make cool shit, and wants to blow up. Honestly. I want to possibly do some collaborations with STREETLOCAL and PROCESS whether it be shirts or promo items. There are some big things happening in the city and the next few years are going to be exciting.

Get the rest of the interview here..

Olympic Super Premium Dunks

Hosted by STANDARD

Skinny Sneakers?

We've all heard of skinny jeans. But skinny sneakers? I'd cop.


Diet Butcher Slim Skin Sneakers.

Lupe x Complex.

"Hip-Hop Generation's Next Vanguard"

N*E*R*D x Kaws x Complex.


Friday, August 1, 2008

GAS'D x Amesse...Really.

We made the site..Love.

Oh Sheila Video Shoot Promo

Amesse The Couture will be on location in DC August 10th and 11th as Marky shoots his debut smash hit single "Oh Sheila". Tabi Bonney, Raheem Devaughn, and Wale are just some names that will be in attendance. Ladies, they're still looking for that lead role...hmmm...
