Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Dear Members Only Jacket..

Hailing from the same continent as the couture heavyweights, you were a prevalent prominent fixture in the 80's. Gucci's little (step)
brother. Armani's nephew (through marriage). You were a staple in fashion and a symbol of popularity and power..for like a full 5 minutes. Like a former child star you were discarded. Abandoned. Forgotten. The marked down item with the blue sticker at the thrift store. For decades you remained illegitimate. Your epaulets were disrespected (you know..your shoulder thingys..yeah..highly disrespected). You're infamous tagline "When You Put It On Something Happens" was made infamous. By condom
companies. You were the punchline of history's cruel and unusual jokes. For decades we didn't hear from you. The growing popularity of pique coats, parkas, and basically any other jacket pushed you further into recluse. And worn by the fellow pictured.

But something amazing happened.. Someone in the Popularitry & Trends Regulation Office thought it would be funny to bring back a trend that wasn't even all that cool when it was alive. The 80's. You weren't meant to be popular again. It was kinda an accidental happening. But through the God awful rope chains and thrift store pillages looking for the most stonewashed Osh KoshBgosh overalls, you prevailed.

And we like you for it. Then it happened. Season 6 Episode 66. March 12 2006. Sopranos. You headlined the thing. Cool people are now adorned in your polynylon blend. Celebrities love your leather vintage feel (with the metal tag of course). Dare I say dope? Yes I do. You are dope Members Only jacket. Your price went from 47 cents to an illustrous 39 bucks on Ebay. Watch out North Face. MO, as we've so cleverly named you, forever will you be a staple in fashion and a symbol of popularity and power.

Lest you fall off again.

Zipped all the way up with neck piece snapped,

The Couture Group

Sunday, February 24, 2008

5 SECRETS TO WOMEN...(You REALLY need to know)

This segment has been years in the making. Trial and error. Observations. Arguments. Making her cry out of joy. Making her cry because she hates the air I breathe. Me crying because of the centrifugal force of the knee full throttled into the pelvic region. Things of that nature. This isnt a groundbreaking discovery. Its through conversation, research, and real life experience. From the Couture Group (and their aching testes) to you..

Imagine. Just for a second. You strip away the face of a woman (no Dahmer). The outer layers. The parts we stare at. The hair. The essence. And you're left with this creature. It looks like a crumpled napkin. But its beating and its pulsating with these feelings, and this raw emotion, and this need to connect and communicate with someone or something. Hold on to that image and proceed.

It has been scientifically proven that women use the Left Hemisphere of their brain more than men do. It just so happens that side controls language and detail. Talking, communiciating, and paying attention very intensely to every circumstantiality.

Research has also found that their emotional responses also involve the left hemisphere, which explains the female need to verbalise emotions. The same studies have shown that males have greater activity in the right hemisphere when experiencing emotion, which is related to physical response. This explains why men don’t understand the female need to go on for an excruiatingly long time about their feelings and why women don’t understand the male need to slap someones face off their face when they get pissed off.

Its Just About Connection, Man...

Its this thing called face value. Its when someone says something and basically, its taken as literal as possible. Women really dont have a certain reason to talk to you. No goal, no alterior motive, just plain and simply they want to connect with you. Not saying that some are'nt conniving and deceitful, but if you havent sensed the invisible horns and had that little intuition of heartbreak, take her at face value..
What you probably shouldnt do: Not say anything.. If she's trying, try.
What she digs: A listening ear..

You'll Never Really Know How Mad She Is..

In order to keep the peace, women often don’t express how much they want to ice you in your sleep. They don’t stand up for themselves (in some cases), and they downplay the severity of their dissatisfaction. Now this in no way speaks for all women. Oh, you have some that let you in on EVERY piece of their disgust. But a majority do downplay how upset they are and just say "Okay" in that high pitch sing song voice. You know exactly what im talking about..

What you probably shouldnt do: Create an atmosphere or enviroment where she cant feel safe or be able to express her dissatisfaction properly. Look, if anybody has figured out how to do this, email me. Im still trying to figure that out.
What she digs: Assume that when she says that she's alright but she still looks upset, then she is still upset. If you take the time to try to get a woman to say what she really feels, that attempt alone will actually make her feel better because she knows you cared enough to try. Even though you may not care for the answer.
What she cant for the life of her get: That when a woman is upset and says she is fine to avoid a messy confrontation, men take her answer literally and leave it at that. Its how we do. Not every chick is worth this "extra mile", but one you're kinda digging may deserve a little more attention.

Women Solve Their Problems Audibily..

Guys are more visually inept to solve a problem. Thats why we have more men scientists and mathematicians than women. We see the formula in front of us..boom. The Theory of Relativity. Women like to hear themselves solve problems. It helps them get clear on whats going on inside them because they may not be able to figure it all out with the hormones and emotions that take up the same brain. So when she talks about her issues to herself, she's not (that) crazy..and oh yeah, leave her alone.

What you probably shouldnt do: Try to figure out and help solve whatever issue she's working on. Its the equivalent of you deciphering a lengthy logarithmic math problem, and someone comes and erases mid-way through because they want to help..
What she digs: You being there and just listening
What she doesnt get: That men are goal and solution-oriented and that women are process-oriented; i.e. that the process of conversation is not what men enjoy but getting to the meat of the issue and thats it. Not preparing and garnishing the damn thing.

Its ALL About The Details..

From prior experience we as young men, may have been hurt. Lets keep it all the way funky. We were open like Wimbeldon and with the time and things you shared with this female, she turned around and did something so vile and mean spirited that you vowed never again will this happen to you. Ever. Inevitably the next female that wants to get to know EVERYTHING about you can't get past that wall because you're thinking "Nah, she's tryna play me." But naturally a woman’s interest in the details about your life is not an attempt to interrogate you or invade your privacy. She just wants to get to know you in high definiton detail. Thats just the way they're wired. On the other side of the spectrum their habit of sharing the details of their life isn't an attempt to make you her woman man friend. The "friend zone" does exist, but listening to her doesnt place you there. Agreeing with her every whim does. Rather, like the first thing we said she's trying to connect.

What you probably shouldnt do: Telling her the details don’t matter, that they’re nosey, that she's interfering and one word answers e.g. ‘fine’, ‘ok’, ‘good’, ‘dunno’ is like a slap in the face. Oh my goodness if there is anything you ever dont say, dont say these. They hold on to it. Because we're not as fine tooth combed equipped, we wont even know why 2 weeks later she's spazzing.
What she digs: Recognition of details. Listening to theirs and in return giving them some of ours. She honestly doesnt think you'll give that much to begin with so anything will make her smile.
Couture Group Tip: Women love impromptu praise especially if you add details e.g. “I like that dress, it makes your eyes really bright” or “That was a really good thing you did, I especially liked the way you…” It shows you pay attention.
What she cant seem to grasp: That men just aren’t concerned with details. So when details are'nt openly given (i.e. that broad from the past) she automatically thinks you have something to hide. There's a thin borderline between mysterious and shady. The amount of detail you give places you in either category..

Women Use Talking to Clear Tension

What we call harping on the same issue over and over again is actually her way to clear the air like Ionic Breeze Quadra (its a humidifier guys..)There's alot of "argumentative" women that like the drama of fights because it somehow makes them happy. But seriously, when there is a issue going on, she wants to dissipate the stuck energy around it. If that means in 20 different ways she asks you the same exact question about the same exact event, she will. Not until you kill yourself, but until she feels better.

What you probably shoudlnt do: Get over it, I don’t have time to listen, get to the point...just toss that in the box of things you probably shouldnt even mention. Not even a little bit.
What she digs: Listen without trying to find a point or solution (even thats our main right side of the brain way). Just let her get it off her chest..head, calves, shins, elbow, etc.. If infinite conversation drives you crazy or you don’t have a lot of time to be the confidant today, let her know what time you do have and give her the semi-divided.
What she cant make heads or tails of: That men take what is said literally. Face value if you will. Quite often we find females sorting things out and saying the same things over and over confusing and frustrating because women contradict themselves while thinking out loud..

God speed Gentleman.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


As this being a life and style guide, the life comes first for a reason. We care about the well being and the future of all our readers, so when information this dope comes along, it is IMPERATIVE it gets passed on as widespread as technologically possible. We arent your parents, pushing you to go to school and get a degree. Its just our duty to be a liason between things you know, and obviously, things you dont..

RAMIT SETHI, a Stanford graduate and author of the very insightful website recieved an email from Stanford stating..

Tomorrow, Stanford will announce significant changes in its financial aid program that will make undergraduate education more affordable for families receiving aid. We want you, our alumni, to be among the first to hear this news.


Stanford University today announced the largest increase in its history for its financial aid program for undergraduates.

Under the new program, parents with incomes of less than $100,000 will no longer pay tuition. Parents with incomes of less than $60,000 will not be expected to pay tuition or contribute to the costs of room, board and other expenses.

The program also eliminates the need for student loans.

Me and you. Your mother and your cousin too, can attend Stanford University. Oh, and not just there. By following in other top universities’ recent moves, Stanford and all of America’s top universities have effectively made themselves free for families without high incomes.

Thats crazy.

The main concern and reason for people not even applying to a school of this caliber is because they reject enough VALEDICTORIANS to fill up the freshman class. That fact alone could be disheartning. Pair that with the fact it would cost three arms and a leg to call that campus home makes the school a haven for trust/hedge fund babies.

To make the load even that much sweeter, here is a link of scholarships, that were cleverly placed in as reading material. If you've not applied for anything anywhere, check it out.
Loans are not needed. Room and board is taken care of (per the income being under $60,000). Other expenses are handled, and truthfully, I didnt know there were more expenses left. College is free.

Whats your excuse?

Monday, February 18, 2008


Welcome to the first of many "How To Rock" sessions where we divulge on whats almost popular but hasnt really quite caught on yet or the "whatever what have you at the time", and make sure you do it correctly. Because if you dont do it right its really not worth doing at all. Its all about the Keffiyeh scarf this evening. Its coolness and well, its evils.
The Keffiyeh scarf is known mostly from its origins in Middle Eastern culture to protect the head and neck from the intense heat. Us Americaners, decided to take the colorful cloth and turn into something all our own. This trend is solely up to the wearer. The Couture Group is divided on this one. Some say yay, others nay. You decide.

In lue of the influx of Keffiyeh stardom, the Duct Tape Council of America and KABOBfest has prepared an enlightnening piece on the scarf and in a delightful segment named Keffiyeh Infiltrates Our Nation's Youth, it evens features the guido...sweet.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Protect Your Neck..

The Kansas City Shuffle. It’s when you make someone look left when all the happenings and ill-doing is done on the right. There’s even a song about it. But as Mr. Goodkat let us all know prior to quietly breaking Nick Fisher’s neck, you need a body for that. In 10 years, we all will suffer from the government’s love of Lucky Number Slevin. The Couture Group really isnt too into politics but, we'll make an excetption..
Since 1983, Social Security has been sitting on extra money, as the payroll tax has collected more money than the program has actually paid out. 3 years ago, the surplus was $159 billion. As the retiring baby boomers increase the program’s costs, the annual surplus will get smaller and smaller and smaller until 2018, when the system will fall into deficit. It sounds a little scary. You know…oooh..deficit. But AHA!
That’s where this B.S. “trust fund myth” comes in. This myth suggests that all of the Social Security surpluses since 1983 have been saved in a trust fund that will total $5.7 trillion by 2018. In the meantime in between time, Washington is lending this money to investors -- businesses and individuals. Like a Tony Soprano funded Laundromat, these things usually don’t end well..
In 2018, when the system first falls into deficit, these individuals and businesses will begin repaying this $5.7 trillion back to the federal government, and that money will make up all the program’s shortfalls until 2042. Therefore, the myth continues, taxpayers are off the hook until 2042.
But here is the fun part. Not one cent of Social Security’s surpluses was ever lent to businesses or individuals. Think about it: Has anyone ever heard of getting a loan from Social Security? Anybody? No? oh…

The surpluses were actually lent to the U.S. Treasury. The Treasury then spent this money on regular government programs like defense, education and welfare. So it is the Treasury that owes the Social Security trust fund $5.7 trillion.

And where does the Treasury get its money? Taxpayers like you and me.

It is the everyday person who will have to repay the Social Security trust fund $5.7 trillion beginning in 2018. Why should you care? That’s like 10 years. Which is directly around the corner and if it’s affecting anyone, it’s the younger generation. Style is essential, granted. But when the not too far tax increases are to the point where it would be more cost efficient to live in the car you cant afford to put gas into because it’ll be, I don’t know, 6.98 a gallon, The Couture Group cant have that come as a surprise to you. Well dressed or not.

This is why the president's 2042 date is so disastrous. It makes it seem as if the problem is very far away. True, he mentioned 2018, but bringing up 2042 simply muddies the logic. It reinforces the idea that there really is a trust fund from which we will be drawing to pay the elderly for the quarter-century between the years 2018 and 2042. There is not. It is just paper.
To bring the silliness full circle, the president himself has since admitted that there really is no trust fund. But his 2042 date is based on the idea that there is.

The campaigning, the commercials, the reforms, the tears, the race issue, the fact that she’s a woman, the colors, the confetti, the PROMISES…all a smooth slight of hand to make us look left. When in fact there is absolutely nothing they can do to change anything. What has been set into motion by a chain of events before, can't be altered so please watch your investments, watch your future, and ultimately watch your neck.div>

A personal friend to the Couture Group,and a former Vice President himself (Roc-A-Fella Records), mogul Kenny Burns wanted to share his opinions on Barack, Hilary, and pushing the motherf@#$*ng button..

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Maybe She's Born With It...

Most younger men are incapable of describing beauty. I mean raw, untampered, pure beauty. That's because when this phenomenom is seen,something indescribable happens. For some they hear the Beatles. Others know instantly that she is the One. As for me, all sound is immediatley silenced. Its as if I've just entered a vacuum of some nature and the only two beings who exist at that moment are I and this sincerely gorgeous creature. (I know its deep, but stay with me)
Here's a brief instance.
At the end of my college orientation, all of the upper class men were coming back to campus to tend to their dorms and/or handle their scholastic needs. Over the course of orientation I had grown quite popular with the student body, and made several friends. I'd like to think it was just my personality and charm...but it was coupled with a heavy sneaker
addiction that spoke for me as well . On this particular day, I had on a crisp white Alfani some Gap Premium skinny jeans and some crazy infrared, teal blue, barouque brown, and khaki Air Max 90's..dope. A fellow student and sneaker enthusiast was standing next to me saying something about the latest Blazers or "Where'd you get those ID's?" or something to that effect when as if cued by some invisible conductor, all things noise was completely mute. She was basically in the same situation as I. Her lady friend was speaking to her about clothes or quantum physics or whatever it was, but our eye contact (and the length of it) seemed to be all
she heard (hopefully). Fair skinned, a product of Ethel Hedgeman Lyle, wild curly hair, and shorts that showed off well toned legs...she was pretty. Naturally pretty. I never
actually made my way to her, but due to some strategic marketing, she may
be reading this right now. (Hi.)

My run in with one of His better creations got the Couture Group
thinking. Who else is indeed breathtaking but due to a conceptualization of
beauty by the media never really gets recognized? Too many. So, we've comprised an extensive list of the Amesse 15 Most Naturally Gorgeous Women. Women from all walks of life that even without the assistance and techniques of makeup and touch-ups and all sorts of other ups, they are still deemed beautiful.
Because sometimes it just doesnt take much..

America Ferrera
We first noticed America in Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. It was more or less like, she's cute. She could honestly lose a couple pounds but she's not bad. Then as if we rubbed a genie lamp prior to the wish, there was Ugly Betty. Curves and all, she has it.

Priyanka Chopra
Dont know much about her. Asia's 3rd sexiest woman under Bipasha.

Zoe Saldana
What is it about Saldana? Is it the eyes? The smile? A member of the Couture Group is a little bit more than obsessed with her when she cries. And its not as weird as it sounds. That vulnerability makes her gorgeous in a way where it seems as if she could be your girlfriend..

A product of London and the harrowing war torn Sri Lanka, Mya Alprugasm transcended her country and made it to the US with a style all her own and some very very nice lips. Acha!

Brooklyn Sudano
With the combined acting skills of Marques Houston and Omarion being that of a chair in Somebody Help Me, Brooklyn kept me from turning it off. Due to the low-budgetness of the film there was no glamour shots. Just a ponytail and perfect skin. That's all I need..

Corrine Bailey Rae
I first liked her music. And then I saw the face behind the voice. Its very effortless how she does her look. Her curly hair and hazel green eyes doesn't need much else. And let's not ignore the elephant in the room. Her teeth are a little less than satisfactory. But that's one of the flaws that makes her real and overall beautiful.

Dania Ramirez
She Hate Me. Oh my goodness. Everything from her attitude to the scenes with Kerry to the Latina girl next door ( or in the next building) feel...perfect. Dania's appeareance again made us fall in The Sopranos when, coincidentally, she began to cry.

Kat Von D
First off her swagger is crazy. She honestly does not care. We likey. Oh, and then that raspy voice coupled with the fact that she is genuinely pretty. I'd tattoo my name all on that. Of course with properly sterilized equipment.

Padma Lakshmi
There was this show on Bravo that involved a woman that was horribly insecure about a scar she had. She didn't feel beautiful , no matter the makeover procedures taken. So in walks Padma that unbeknownst to me, has a huge scar on her left arm where the elbow is. She felt the same way. By the end of the segment, both were in tears and the woman viewed herself in a new light. Speaking with this woman showed Padma's inner beauty more than outer, and frankly, that means more.

Shu Qi
Since Transporter, I kinda wanted to...I dont know..find a small asian woman in my a duffel bag. You know what I mean. She slowly grew on me and I dont blame Jason Statham for making a move on her. She cooks too.

Zulay Henao
Once again, the sofa plant acting of Omarion is saved by another starlet. I mean I havent seen the movie. Do not plan to. But from the commercials and a referal and the below Youtube video, here she is..

Bipasha Basu
Asia's sexiest woman. Bollywood is dope. Case dismissed.

Noemie Lenoir
When she removed her hair like it was supposed to come off, I almost screamed in the theather. As a matter of fact, I did. But as a bald Noemie gave the fierce stares she's famous for, I still dug her. And unlike Beyonce she doesnt need half her body weight in weave to look astonishing. Which she ultimatley does.

Megan Fox
First thing in the morning. Waiting in line at the bank . Eating a bowl of Kellogs Frosted Flakes. She manages to look sultry in whatever she's doing and whenever she's doing it. Pouty lips and crisp blue eyes hasn't been done this well since Scarlett. Okay maybe not that well, but still...

Understand. Before the fame. Before the deal. Before a mans face ran into Diddy's hand over her, she was regular old mixtape hustling Cassie. Thats why the below video was chosen. She was amazing prior to, and only developed into the Complex blessing Cassie we know today. Enjoy.

Friday, February 1, 2008


In order to dress and style oneself in the manner of Dopeness, you have to know where to go. There are thousands of "in the alley around the corner" stores and boutiques that have various styles and labels that makes one go spend every single deep auburn penny they have. And we are not here to help. We layout the spots to go in some major cities you happen to find yourself in, just to make easier to go extremely broke on Goyard this and Stussy that. Enjoy..


840 Clement StreetSan Francisco, CA
Nearly 18 years old, this store offers toy buffs everything from 12-inch vinyl figures to model kits and action figures. Named “Best Figure and Model Shop” by the Japan Trade Commission in 2000, The Art of Toys is the place for the latest designs by NG, Eric So, and Michael Lau.

626 8th AvenueSan Diego, CA

This offshoot of Steady Boutique shares the same building as the sneaker joint Blends, and is one of San Diego’s newest streetwear shops.
Hot items: SSUR, 10 Deep, Boxfresh and Imaginary Foundation streetwear


726 Market StreetSan Diego, CA

Located in San Diego’s developing East Village neighborhood, Blends has emerged as a prime sneaker-hunting spot, where heads go to search out the latest Nike SB releases, specials from Adidas, and more exotic brands like Callous.
Hot items: Vans Vault, Nike SB, 35th Anniversary Adidas Superstars, Callous, Alife RTFT argyle slip-ons, hand-screened T-shirts by Blends staff


4480 Paradise Rd., #400
Las Vegas, NV

Keeping hipsters like Jason Lee happy with its three L.A. locations, Undefeated opens its LV doors with a bang—Nike SB, Y-3, and Visvim accounts, as well as rare in-store collabos.Hot items: Spalding x Undefeated basketball, New Era x Undefeated caps


8450 W. Sahara Ave.
,Las Vegas, NV

Skate and snow aficionados like comedian Carrot Top stop by often for over-the-counter goodness from Burton, Vans, and Stüssy.Hot items Krew T-shirts, Obey sweatshirts

Las Vegas, NV
Fruition's taste for '80s-flavored couture is unmatched. Stop in for gear fromChanel, Polo, and Nike that tastemakers like Kanye West cop on the regular.Hot items: Nike Orange Box, Siknuss tees, Patrick Ewing Attiree


8118 Melrose Ave
Los Angeles, CA

This style landmark carries all the hot brands and designers, and a stop here makes a good starting point for any L.A. shopping excursion
Hot items: Loom State denim, Khaki Design Works blazers


150 South La Brea Ave
Los Angeles, CA

An eclectic blend of designer and vintage gives this 20-year-old store a chance to appeal to the old school hipster and the too-cool-for-school.
Hot items: PRPS, Duffer St. George, Paul Smith London shirts, Color Theory, Same, Skaen and Rhino tees


112 S. La Brea Ave
Los Angeles, CA
Stussy has outlived all sorts of trends and fads. The surf label’s 10-year-old L.A. store attracts old-school Stussy heads and a stream of brand-crazed tourists from Asia and Europe.
Hot items: House-brand custom-made print shirts, art books, shorts, hats



608 South Fifth Street
Philadelphia, PA

This store has hardwood floors, a large storefront window, and a wall full of exclusive kicks, providing a nirvana for sneaker experts and wannabes alike.
Kicks from Nike Trainer 1 SB by HUF "Gold-diggers"; PUMA X Clientele; Euro releases from New Balance and Nike, including 574 and Air Force I.


610 South Third Street
Philadelphia, PA
Owned by pro skater Kerry Getz, Nocturnal is the premier skate shop in Philadelphia for shoes, trucks, boards, DVDs, and apparel. Local pro skaters Stevie Williams, Kevin Taylor, Pete Elaridge, and Jimmy Gorecki shop here on the regular.Tees by Alien Workshop and Zoo York, as well as De La Soul lo by Nike SB.



158 Rivington Street
New York, NY

Rivington Club’s country club décor and consistent supply of rare Nike and Reebok footwear, as well as the Alife line at RTFT, has made it an NYC sneaker staple.
Adidas Nike Quickstrike, Puma, Reebok, RTFT, Feit, Visvim, Married to the Mob, Iraq NY t-shirts.


546 Broadway
New York, NY 10012

Japanese brands usually offer cachet and cool for a steep price, but here’s one that touts quality and affordability. Japanese denim, cashmere sweaters, smart blazers—sounds like the makings of an expensive shopping trip. Not at Uniqlo, the 22-year-old Japanese chain that’s settling on U.S. soil this fall with a massive store in New York’s SoHo. In fact, jeans, a sweater, and jacket might not even set you back 200 bucks at Uniqlo. That wouldn’t buy a Bathing Ape hoodie or a pair of Japanese selvedge jeans. So what’s going on here? Uniqlo is the latest overseas brand to develop its product line, expand on its home turf, then make a triumphant landing in the U.S. It’s less concerned with underground cachet than in presenting well-made, sharply designed clothes for the masses. Uniqlo opened its first shop in 1984 and now has more than 700 stores in Japan. Its New York flagship is part of Uniqlo’s plan to reach $1 billion in U.S. sales by 2010. That’s a lot of dough at a place where a pair of boxer shorts and a button-down shirt cost about the same as lunch.


9 Prince Street
New York, NY

If you’re in NYC looking to cop a pair of premium-brand jeans, your spot is Soho’s Henry Lehr. This denim Mecca stocks everything from distressed, relaxed-fit American cuts to antique, hand-loomed imports from Japan, including such labels as Rogan, Paper Denim, Chip and Pepper and True Religion. If you’re a premium denim novice, the store’s knowledgeable staff will help you find the right fit and style.



1531 North Milwaukee
Chicago, IL

We haven’t all had the opportunity to check out Kicks/HI in Honolulu, but now that the heads behind the project are setting up a new shop in the Windy City we might have to stop by and say what’s up. Saint Alfred packs a punch, coming strong with footwear brands like Nike, Adidas, Y-3, Vans, Creative Recreation, Visvim and Converse. The clothing isn’t too shabby, either, with a list too long to put here. Highlights include Perks and Mini, The Cut, Stüssy, Customade, and Broken Home.


1529 N. Milwaukee Ave
Chicago, IL

A 1,900 square-foot men’s and women’s lifestyle store that carries cutting-edge brands like Yoko Devereaux and Duffer of St. George and shoes by Vans and Alife.
Hot items: Duffer Western-style button-downs, A.P.C. black cotton blazers, Corpus denim, K Adorable T-shirts, Alife Kennedy shoes

3740 N. Southport Ave
Chicago, IL

Perfect for young professionals looking to avoid the fashion-victim label, Jake brings rockers and Brooks Brothers together in a sophisticated way.
Hot items: I.C.R. vs. Deth Killers of Bushwick (only distribution in Midwest), Trovata menswear, Sir Fontaine denim


Parera 175, Recoleta
+5411 4815 7954

In the posh Recoleta neighborhood, A.Y. Not Dead supplies a district of fashionistas with its cut-and-sew line of raw denim, cashmere, and graphic T-shirts. A slew of amazing-looking female store clerks complement the downtown edge-6,000 miles down, that is.


Gurruchaga, 1670, Palermo
+5411 4832 2994

Check a full range of house-designed and locally produced items including leather bombers, clean tweeds, and a pretty dope Nike collab. The skate-shop vibe is a little more homey than high fashion, and a hint of French panache will leave you with an overwhelming desire to picnic with attitude.


Avenida Santa Fe 1670,
Barrio Norte

This place is a weird vertical shopping arcade with a graffiti-plastered interior (check the Banksy), vintage clothing stores, and multiple tattoo parlors. Be sure to check out the Tree Skate Shop (+5411 8511 1336) for the newest tees and hoodies from local art collective SUBA.



Frankfurter Alle 89, 10247
Berlin Friedrichshain
Berlin, Germany

This shop features more than 150 designers showcasing the wide spectrum of Berlin style. It's the Eastern Bloc’s answer to Fred Segal.Hot items: Old school Zeha sneakers; Poli Jackets made from Swedish Army tents; concurenz hoodies; Berlinomat limited-edition label, Fettes Brod


Köpenicker Strasse 195 A,
10997 Berlin Kreuzberg 36,
Berlin, Germany

Sneakers, graffiti, and music are the focus at Overkill, located on the outskirts of Kreuzberg 36. It’s got an array of kicks, streetwear, and white labels, but the main draw is the city’s best selection of cans and markers.Hot items: Montana Bombing Six Pack, Molotow spray paint, Yack Fou hoodies, old school New Balance


Neue Schöenhauser Strasse
10-10178 Berlin Mitte
Berlin, Germany

This is a Fred Perry “Laurel” shop and features not only Signature wears, but also a large assortment of Comme des Garçons with Fred Perry and the awesome—if expensive—Blank Canvas collection.Hot items: The Fred Perry and Comme des Garçons SHIRT, Blank Canvas Collection, Fred Perry slim-fit shirts



17-18 Dover Street
London, England

Rei Kawakubo, director of Comme de Garcons, created this emporium with six uniquely decorated floors packed with gear from outside designers as well as Comme de Garcons labels.Pegleg tees; Junya Watanabe and North Face jacket and bag collabos; James Perse menswear; Hiroshi Fujiwara for Table Top.

7 Upper James Street
London, England

Michael Kopelman of Foot Patrol, Stussy, and Busy Work Shop fame teamed with Fraser Cooke to create this spot, also known as Hit and Run. The shop has a refined interior, helpful staff, and amazing gear.T-shirts from Good Enough UK; Acronym technical gear; Head Porter bags; Neighborhood denim and outerwear.


29 Shorts Gardens
London, England

Duffer looks like a 1990s Ralph Lauren store-random sports gear, art, and cool-guy bits and pieces. It even carries RL's new, less baggy line for men. The basement houses a great selection of collaboration pieces, as well as Japanese and American lines. 20 Ans; PRPS denim; Clarks shoes; Griffin; Aurora Borealis tees; Evis denim; Trovata menswear; Wig magazine.



5-5-8 Minami Aoyama Minato-Ku
Tokyo, Japan

Aoyama is Haraju’s higher end neighbor, and home to Bape’s second location. When you enter, you feel like you're walking onto a video shoot, with a light show and Neptunes beats bumping. The second floor features a wall of Bapestas, a museum-like display of every colorway to ever grace Nigo’s and Pharrell’s feet. Good luck finding your size here. Everything sells out the day it’s released..


3-21-112 Jingumae Shibuya-Ku
Tokyo, Japan

In a way, this is the brand that started it all. The brainchild of Hiroshi Fujiwara, Headporter is best known for its bags; every kid in Tokyo has one. The store offers two floors filled with wallets, key chains, and other cool accessories, while a downstairs level carries the sought-after Headporter+ clothing line. The store’s must-have item is clearly the super-limited PSP bag, selling for upwards of 200 bucks on Ebay.


5-2-11 Minami Aoyama Minato-Ku
Tokyo, Japan

The concept shop “Tab Device” is hidden behind the Levi’s store in Aoyama. It’s set up like somebody’s apartment, only iller. The oven is actually a huge CD disc changer and the range is a pair of CD mixers; everything isn’t as it seems. Levi’s owns the faux-flat, using it to sell double-label projects with the likes of Stussy, New Balance, Nike and Surrender, though the product lineup changes frequently. It’s a hidden jewel.


4-32-7 Jingumae Shibuya-Ku
Tokyo, Japan

Neighborhood’s flagship store is on the main strip in Harajuku, directly across from the first Bathing Ape shop. Neighborhood is dimly lit, very industrial, and the shop staff greets you by hissing, an abbreviated form of the traditional Japanese greeting. Neighborhood is part military, part American vintage workwear, part biker gear. It’s quickly become a leading streetwear brand in Tokyo and has a strong cult following. The store also carries Neighborhood’s W)Taps line, which has contributed to the brand’s cachet.


3-17-11 Minami Aoyama Minato-Ku
Tokyo, Japan

This store has four levels. Stumble down a dark, wet, cavernous staircase and you end up in a room that looks like where the illuminati of Tokyo met, straight out of The Da Vinci Code. The basement houses the likes of designers Raf Simons and Helmut Lang, as well as a dope vintage Gucci section. There’s also a full bar and an ill bookstore. Upstairs is a Goyard luggage store, with customized Goyard pieces by Loveless.

Head to for the rest..