Remember a while back, when there were the parties where everyone had to know the Chicken Noodle Soup dance? Aaah Memories. Now however, there is a "new" dance called the "J5 on Em." Sorry DJ Webstar, but I don't think I will be J5ing on Em. The song features Team Blackout, you know JoJo's rap group. Still drawing a blank. JoJo from Run's House. Respect the work ethic Jo, but not the song. The son of Mr. "Sucker Mc's" has to come harder than that.
yeah. so i just got really depressed... i wasted 3 mins and 14 secs of my life... I coulda did something.... like pop popcorn... anything would have been more valuable than watching that horrid video.... smh at hip hop...
I just think that the song was good marketing. Everyone is dancing and doing stupid dances if I might add so they took it back to something simple something from the old school. something you might have seen Michael Jackson do. doesnt have 50 million instructions. you just look like you groovin if you do it. their second single billionaire boyfriend is decent. everyone (even Jay-Z) knows it is better to infiltrate the system. so get the ppl (especially the youth cause they are the ones most effected by this mindless entertainment) to accept you, party to you. to get their attention you gotta talk their language. then maybe they will come harder.
thats just like ppl could say that Marky is a typical female rapper cause his first single is for females. does that mean he is young berg or plies or fab? no just means that is his first single. you have to hear more before you judge.
just my opinion.
Coming from a Hip-Hop perspective i feel that Jo Jo works hard, and no matter what song you come out with, i judge the song not the artist. I HATE all of soulja boy's songs, but quiet as kept he is one of the hardest workers in the music industry. I value your opinions, keep them coming!
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