My boy Decatur Dan (but just call him Dan) was featured in his very own Epidemik Coalition interview. Also congrats on the Web Editor position in ANTENNA mag.

Where are you from?
It isn’t obvious (laughs)? Decatur, born and raised. For those who don’t know there are 2 parts of Decatur, City of Decatur (Downtown Decatur) and just Decatur which is actually pretty large. I was blessed with the best of both worlds. I grew up off of Wesley Chapel and Candler. Moved to City of Decatur in my high-school years, Oakhurst District specifically.
Who do you work for?
I have quite a few jobs. Of course I work at STANDARD which I call home. I do everything there from taking out trash to helping with buys. I also help maintain our store blog which has really taken off, it is a lot of work but I really enjoy it. I’m also a contributing editor for VAPORS Magazine. There are some good articles coming out this August that I hope everyone likes. I’m a contributing Web Editor for ANTENNA Magazine which just entails me updating their site with new product. And then I do a bunch of odd jobs for all my good friends like STREETLOCAL and DONE TO DEATH. I like to help out whenever I can because they help me. But I must say I wouldn’t have any of these titles if Farshad (owner at STANDARD) didn’t give the opportunity over 2 years back. Working there has really set me up for a lot of things and I am forever grateful to him for that.
Who would you love to work with?
Anyone who is down to make cool shit, and wants to blow up. Honestly. I want to possibly do some collaborations with STREETLOCAL and PROCESS whether it be shirts or promo items. There are some big things happening in the city and the next few years are going to be exciting.
Get the rest of the interview here..
Thanks for the support homies!
not a problem.
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