as i listen to this seals & crofts summer breeze
(thanks tob) i ponder about shit.
grown men usually dont ponder, they think hard.
but i never the less find myself in the valentino stock room..pondering. i understand that there's more in life than beautiful women and the encounters with them that makes my curly headed world go round, and im slowly starting to discover what these things are.
summer breeze is about the wind blowing through the jasmine of their mind. its like their appreciating everything with all their senses at the same time...
i want to know what do i appreciate. whats my summer breeze? when all my belongings found themselves in the hands of others when i was busy toiling at work thinging about what new belongings i can cop, and all i had in this world was physically the clothes on my back and "the eddie winslow", i had a sense of weightlesness.
i wasnt as mad as i thought i would be.
they're all things. when you lose attachment to things, thats when happiness can find you. real happy.who's ever looked for a breeze? but sit still and it'll find
im not moving.