Friday, October 3, 2008

3 Reasons Why Melody Thornton Is My Wife

3) We Both Love Music- She sings to me different lullabys from the 70's and more current artists like Adele and Gnarls Barkley. I make rap poems and put them in her lunch box before she leaves every morning. Its our thing.

2) We Are Both Close To Kim Kardashian- Through a mutual friend of a friend we found out we were once at the same bah mitzvah in Beverly Hills (at the Thompson Wilshire) and didnt even know it. I remember seeing her with the spinach quiche by the punch bowl. She saw me by the dance floor with the suede cardigan. And again we both ordered the Mahdzoon Chicken at an Armenian dinner for Kim's brother.

1)We Have The Same Birthday- When the moon, stars, and quasars align into perfect perfection, things like this happen. September 28 is our birthday. OUR birthday. We wear matching Gucci belts on that day to commemorate our parents conceiving us at the same time. Below is a photo from our Boom Boom Room in the private quarters of the house. She wore that for last years birthday soiree. Private soiree.

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