Sunday, September 21, 2008

Mcfly's Motivations: The Glass Ceiling

(Dr. Dennis Kimbro)
Salut! Everyone. Ok. I have been observing the current state of our society, and quite frankly, it sucks. So, I figured I would share what is in the mind of Marty Mcfly aka Me. I read this book everyday called, "Daily Motivations for African-American Success" by Dr. Dennis Kimbro. Dr. Kimbro was my first-year seminar teacher a while back during my freshmen year at Clark Atlanta University. I won a copy of his book by earning a high grade for a lyceum I had written in his class. I want to share it with all of our daily viewers, and hope it helps you like it helps me. Mine however, will jut be everything in a nut shell. Enjoy the very 1st following motivation. For the full version go buy "Daily Motivations for African-American Success". It is truly beneficial.
"Did I pay my dues? You bet. Was it tough? Without a doubt. But I was determined to find out how high is high!"- Halle Berry, Actress

Today you should ask yourself, "How much of my potential am I using?" Once asked, you should then begin to exploit your talents. Everyone has an absolute advantage at doing great things with their talents. You shouldn't waste time on not using your talents because, time is money. A successful 24 hrs is potentially more lucrative than an unsuccessful 24hrs. Anything is possible in life. A broken clock is right at least 2 times a day. So, make things happen, or you will be the one asking "Paper or plastic?" (Not to discredit those who do that, but come on.) Peace.

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