Sunday, May 25, 2008


Im going to keep this brief. I mean come on. Pulp Fiction. The skinny tie. Reservoir Dogs. 6 skinny ties. All on gangster individuals. Need we say more? We do? If we must...

Many people aren't aware of the illness which is the skinny tie. The narrow neck ornament. Its one of those accesories that turns the ordinary suit ensemble into something a little cooler. Its the traditional look, yeah, but like everything else nowadays..its slimmer. The only thing about rocking this g-string for the throat (okay that's a little much), is you have to be into form fitting duds. Anything other than, and you'll look like you're trying to hang yourself the wrong way.

Another truly ill wonder about this, is its 24 hours a day rockable`. You can wear it to the job without the worries of looking unprofessional (we're young and innovative. We can do things like this) and it can be rocked after hours without the feeling that you're going on an interview. Or it can be seen when you're reciting Ezekiel 25:17 right before you blast a jive turkey motherf@&$!a.. It more so blends in with a fit as well as gives you the comfort that no one is staring at a hideous tie selection. Because people laugh at hideous tie selections. Oh no not in front of you. Mm mm. Mostly behind your double windsored back. Do you want that? Didn't think.

If need be, it can take the place of a regular tie forever. Click the pic for the link to this emporiumesque website which is like the Mecca for skinny ties..

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