Friday, June 6, 2008


The whole Amesse Organization loves Obama and everything he stands for. The conciglieries we surround ourselves also have similiar wants for the future. Change. But can we keep it funky. There is a person or a group of persons that hate the air used to make those eloquent speeches. They want nothing more than to kill him. Straight up. Graff artists immortalize his image with pieces everywhere. Singers collab and recite his words in a melodious manner. But you have your James Earl Ray's that are patiently waiting to make this story a what could've been. To turn the Obama name into a memorial street, or a turnpike in his home state. All the greats find their fate by the hands of a hatred filled pessimist. Someone that doesnt want to see the vision of another man, and one that could be in power to change something.. Its only a matter of time before a negative action is taken on his life. Security, tighten up. Obama, keep doing what you're doing. And those that are in support, even if you arent, pray. For him and those that hate Obama.

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